McClane Dentistry

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McClane Dentistry office located in the heart of Stuart, FL, if you notice blood while brushing or generally on your gums.

Types of treatments for toothache

In most cases, treatment for a toothache depends majorly on the cause. The proper diagnosis and treatments of dental infection are very important. Dr. McClane will prevent it from spreading to other parts of the face and skull and even to the bloodstream. A toothache can be extremely uncomfortable in most cases, although the pain is not long-lasting if it’s treated properly. Dr. McClane will examine you and prevent your pain and any infections that can spread to your body. Below are some of the treatments that might be administered.

If it’s a cavity, Dr. McClane will have to fill the cavity or take the tooth out if necessary. If the infection is from the nerve, removing and replacing the infected pulp will be needed. The procedure is also necessary when bacteria have worked their way into the inner space of the tooth, causing infection. If you have a fever or swelling jaw, Dr. McClane will prescribe antibiotics. Dr. McClane will recommend a deep cleaning if you have food particles stuck on your teeth causing infection, after which a periodontal or gum therapy is followed.
